Our Beliefs

-We are a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

-We believe that God is triune, three persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

-We believe that the Bible is God's own Word.

-We believe the Lutheran interpretation as laid out by the Book of Concord is the correct interpretation of that Word.

-We believe that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This means everyone is subject to the judgment of God.

-We believe that Jesus is God's own Son, both true God and true man.

-We believe Jesus died on the cross, taking the sins of all mankind upon himself.

-We believe He rose from the dead, defeating death and it's power over us.

-We believe that because of what Jesus has done, we have been made righteous (worthy) in the sight of God.

-We believe that because of Jesus we will no longer be subject to the wrath of God's judgment, but instead will receive eternal life.

-We believe we now receive his forgiveness in three ways:

1. Through God's Word which proclaims what Jesus has done for us.

2. Through the Lord's Supper, where Jesus promises that all who partake of it will receive forgiveness.

3. Through Baptism, given to people of all ages.

For more on what we believe, head to https://www.lcms.org/about/beliefs